Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Cleaning & House Clearings

I just finished writing up the instructions for a DIY house clearing and blessing that I'm offering as a free premium when you sign up for my newsletter on the wellenss center site.

I'd been meaning to get this written up for some time, but between the day job, the websites, the blogs, not to mention the house chores it just got put on hold until today.

So, just in time (at least in Colorado) for spring cleaning,  the house clearing and blessing instructions are now available. Yea!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cutting the Cords that Bind Us

Recently, there's been an increase in the number of folks that I find myself talking to about cutting energetic and emotional cords that are connected to them (and sometimes sucking the life out of them) from other people, past relationships (often unhealthy relationships), and even vows (like vows of silence or poverty) taken in past lives.

Sometimes, I forget that not everyone is as familiar with some of the newer energy techniques (including cutting cords) that we now use routinely. The first time the concept is introduced, it's not unusual  for there to be a lot of questions or misunderstandings. For example, one friend was afraid she wouldn't be able to check in on another friend intuitively if these cords were cut from their past relationship.

Cutting these cords of energy and emotion will NOT prevent you from intuitively checking in on someone. And in fact, removing these cords of attachment can provide you with a clearer, more objective view of what is actually going on with that person when you do check on them intuitively.

These cords are not a normal or natural part of your energy field. In fact, it's better to think of them as "invaders" of your space, and even possibly "energy vampire" cords. When these cords are formed, especially during a "lover" relationship, they usually attach near the heart and sacral chakras. This is especially true of intense relationships and karmic relationships, even after the karma has been balanced.

What happens is the other person has "plugged in" to you, most often subconsciously, and they've been literally sucking away some of your energy body .... Feeding on you, so to speak. And yes, it can go the other way around as well, with you attaching to them and feeding on them as well as sharing your energy with them.

When these energy cords exist between lives it is often because we've been passionate about something in the time period when the vows making the cords were made. For example, I've had several past lives as nuns and healers and artisans. The vows of silence have been especially difficult for me to break in this life, and it's something I've had to work on so that I could "speak my truth" this time (a fifth / throat chakra issue). Granted, there were other things at work there as well (too many times being burned, beaten, or killed for speaking my truth in past lives) and those other related issues had to be dealt with in both hypnosis sessions and bioenergy healing sessions.  But the point is, it can be done and cutting those cords is a necessary part of it.

How To Cut These Cords
You can cut these cords yourself during a meditation with the Angels (they will cut them at both ends with love and heal and seal your energy body afterward) OR you can have a guided imagery or healing session where someone else cuts these cords (often with assistance of the Angels) and heals and seals your energy field.

When I cut these cords, I do it with the intention that they are cut in this time and all times, in this time and space, and all time and space, now and forever. Afterwards I usually allow time for absorbing healing energies to replace any "missing" feelings for the recipient.

Leaving the cords in place is not really a good option; however, you have to want to severe these ties. Think of it this way:  these cords can and often do weaken your energy field where they've attached. The weakened part of your energy system, for example the heart chakra, could later manifest physically as some sort of heart problem if the energy imbalance is not corrected. Correcting the weakened energy field is preventative medicine of the first degree. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year's Resolutions & How Hypnosis can Help

It's that time of the year again....when most of us swear to lose weight, stop smoking, work out more, and be healthier. Sadly, most New Year's resolutions are short lived and disappear once the subconscious starts saying it wants to "Sleep In" (no workout), "Eat Sweets," and "Have Fun!"

Lifestyle changes can be So Much EASIER when you get your subconscious on your side instead of fighting against you. There are ways to do this, with and without hypnosis; however, with hypnosis is a lot faster.

To get your subconscious on your side without booking a few hypnosis sessions, you have to make the effort slowly and steadily for at least 21 days (or 3 weeks) before the new habits start seeping into your subconscious. Repetition is one way to influence the subconscious, but it does take a while.  That's why the conventional wisdom on "it takes 21 days to make a new habit or break an old habit" really does work.

To get your subconscious working on your side a lot faster, just book a few hypnosis sessions. This time of the year you can usually find a weight management group running for several weeks or you can book individual sessions. Typically only 3 to 5 sessions are needed to speed you on your way to better weight control, stopping smoking, or even better stress management. Your hypnotist can guide you, but you still have to do the work.

Remember, all hypnosis is SELF HYPNOSIS so you have to make the effort to want to change.

Good luck to you all who are breaking and adapting new habits in 2011!