past / future & other lifetimes

I've added a separate page on Regressions (Progressions if you're visiting a future life) because it usually stirs up controversy. Many organized, Christian religions teach that there is no reincarnation, that there is only this life and then the "heaven" (or hell) life. Some teach about Purgatory. Some teach that death is only a sleep. Most of the worlds religions, however, do believe in some type of reincarnation.

Do you have to believe in reincarnation to experience a past life regression? Absolutely not. Often people are surprised (both therapist and client) when during a hypnosis session the client will just "pop into" another life experience. This happened to Brian Weiss (Many Minds, Many Masters) and the therapist in Audrey Rose.  I've had this spontaneous past life happen in clients when we've been trying to trace back a problem or issue to "the very first time you felt this way."  Sometimes, we visit several past lives until we reach the very first time they felt that way, and when we do therapy around that incident (and the others on the way back out), it releases the emotional tension and allows us to learn from it whatever we need to learn, and then move on.

What if it's a young soul who hasn't had many life experiences?  I have also run into this. I had a client who wanted to visit some past lives (I usually take them to 3 separate lives to experience that are "most relevant to their current life" so that they may gain some insight into whatever problems they are wrestling with at the time), so we scheduled the session and got to work. We visited the first life, no problem. We even visited a second life. But when we tried to finds a third relevant life, it just Did Not Happen. We ended up going into the Light and experiencing the "life between lives" somewhat. You could view this two ways: (1) she had no other "relevant" lives to visit or (2) she had no other lives to visit at all, and was indeed a very "young soul."

Young souls are appearing more and more on Earth at this time; however, there are also many of us here who are ancient souls. Are we here to help the younger souls? Probably. It could also be that we just love this "graduate school" of soul lessons so much that we keep coming back. :)

What about child souls when women are "with child?"  I have to tell you, I have seen and experienced this type of regression. In the hypnosis field, it is well know that the baby's soul or spirit or whatever name you wish to use, is hanging out with mom (in mom's energy field or aura) long before birth. Often the baby soul is there during and before conception, even if it does not actually enter the fetus' body until much later.

On a related note, seeing and experiencing these type of things have indeed strengthened my belief that we do indeed choose our parents before we incarnate here. And we choose them for some very specific reasons.

Are all parents good parents? Of course not, and there are many children who need families to adopt them and help them repair damage that has often been done by the birth family.  We cannot control others. We can only control ourselves, our actions, and our reactions to others.

In future life progressions, we can visit what seems to be future lives to us in this lifetime.

An easy way to understand how all of these lives can exist at the same time (because part of what we are leveraging in the subconscious is that all time is NOW for the subconscious; there is no linear timeline in the subconscious) is by picturing a wagon wheel. Now, imagine that the center of the wheel is the "soul" or "spirit" before any incarnations. Then each of the spokes leads to a different life in a different time on this physical plane. From the perspective of the soul, all the lives are existing at the same time. It is only from the perspective of any one life that it appears that the lives are sequential in time. So

So that brings up another issue: What we experience is this life, affects all the other lives as well. So, any work you are doing on yourself in this life, any karma you are trying to balance and lessons you have learned, help you not only in this life, but in the others as well. And the reverse is also true: any screw ups you make here also affect the other lives. That should give you a lot to think about. :)

The Wiccans have a name for this: It is the rule of 3, and it is in large part why their first rule is to "Harm None" because any "evil" (and I believe that even unintentional bad consequences could be considered "evil" (intentional or unintentional, (conscious or subconscious) the results are still the same) is returned to the doer: 3 times 3. (There are other versions of this rule, but my favorite is the 3 times 3.)   There are many other resources on the Net and in books if you wish to learn more about Wicca.

This is also why, when doing bio-energy sessions or remote healing sessions, permission to conduct the healing is asked, and the healing does not proceed without consent. This permission may be from the person themselves or from their higher/soul/divine self. Either way, permission must be sought because we do not know what issues or what lessons another soul is working on. We can only guess. They do, their higher self, their soul self, their divine selves know. And once the permission is received, then the healing proceeds  with prayer and intention that it take place for the "higher good of all involved."

Personally, when I am conducting in-person hypnosis or other sessions, I always meditate before, clear the room and ask both of our higher/divine selves to attend, our angels and helpers, any other healers or teachers of the higher vibratory realms who would like to attend to do so and end with the request and intention that the session proceed for the highest good of all involved. This helps ensure that what is done in this life also helps in the others, and also ensures that it does not cause any unintentional harm to others.