Sunday, March 28, 2010

Complimentary not "alternative" medicine please

Sometimes people get confused about the difference between COMPLIMENTARY and ALTERNATIVE therapies. And as both a writer and a complimentary therapies practitioner, I often get my panties in a bunch when people confuse them.  Hypnosis is indeed a form of complimentary medicine, as is Reiki and the healing touch therapies, as is guided imagery and meditation and prayer, as is vitamin therapy and amino acid therapy, as is many herbal remedies.
Here's a link to the National Library of Medicine where they have devoted an entire section to complementary and alternative therapies:
The complementary therapies I practice are wonderful adjuncts to traditional western medicine as well as other complementary therapies.  I prefer the term "complementary" because they are NOT alternatives to traditional Western medicine — if I have a serious, acute traumatic problem, I want an MD or PhD or PsyD around, because more intensive treatment is needed for acute injury and trauma. As a hypnotherapist, I deal with the wounds that have been there a while, the wounds from childhood that never really healed but which result in behaviors that once were adaptive but that are now getting in your way, or the wounds that went straight into your subconscious, which have never truly been dealt with. And yes, often times wounds compounded over time and over many lifetimes. It is like peeling a onion once you start working on your own issues: with more work, another layer gets peeled off, and yes, it's hard and there are usually some tears, but in the end, the onions are what give us the most flavor, spice, and seasoning.
The therapies I offer are complementary, and designed to be used in conjunction with other therapies if you desire. Complementary therapies are quite helpful for chronic conditions. These adjunct therapies are useful for stress reduction, chronic pain management, and increasing your body's ability to heal itself. Many of these therapies are finally getting the attention of western medicine, just look at the links on a few of my pages to the Mayo Clinic, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Library of Medicine.
I can hear the question: "So, Melodie, if I can find a MD or PhD or PsyD who is also trained in hypnotism, energy medicine, and story telling, why not see them instead of you?"  My answer to you is this:  Wouldn't you rather have a specialist who specializes in hypnotherapy and hypnosis? A specialist who specializes in bio-energy medicine? A specialist who specializes in the combination of those two, combined with yet a third, magnifying technique? And a specialist who is known for her communication skills and bedside manner?  A specialist who specializes in the subconscious part of the mind and the form of energy medicine concerned with cellular memory release. A specialist who knows your "inner child" very well, and who has experienced first hand many of the same growth steps you are working on now? I know in my own life, I am always much more comfortable with someone who has not only the specialty I need but who has also experienced the therapy I'm about to endure. I believe it increases their empathy for what I'm about to experience.
Shortly after beginning my practice, it became very obvious and reinforced what I had already learned many times over on my path: We are Never sent anything that we cannot handle. We may think we are, but we humans are quite a resourceful, creative, resilent lot. To quote one of my favoriie old sci-fi movies:
"You humans are at your best . . . when things are at their worst."
— Starman 1984 
Directed by John Carpenter
Oscar-nominated performance by Jeff Bridges a the "starman"  

Until next time, remember to see most "alternative" therapies as complimentary instead. :) 