Saturday, April 17, 2010

Healthcare reform & Complimentary medicine

Why did they give us "healthcare reform" when we only really wanted "health insurance reform?" Most of us are happy with our access to healthcare, our doctors, and our treatments. What most of us are unhappy with is health insurance. We're unhappy with "preexisting conditions" (after a certain age, we ALL have preexisting conditions---it's called LIVING!) and insurance companies that make us fight for every penny of coverage once we do submit a claim.  I once had to fight with Blue Cross/Shield to cover a surgical assistant for goodness sake!  My doc only hand 2 hands during surgery, and that would have left none (0) to actually do what was needed during the procedure. They did cover the assistant, but I had to fight the denial and get it kicked up to their medical board. At least my doc's office had seen it enough to tell me to fight it. Apparently, most people don't closely monitor what their insurance is covering and what it isn't and what it really Should be covering when it's not.  Anyway, I digress.

We're not really going to see any changes for 4 years --- only pay in the taxes for it immediately. Hmmm... that smacks of an INSURANCE policy, doesn't it? :D  When I saw my doc a few weeks ago, I asked her what she thought was going to happen. (She's a specialist, not a GP.)  She said the only thing she knew for certain was that she was going to be seeing more patients.  And that means a longer wait for an appointment.

So that got me to thinking---if we're going to have to wait 3 months to get an appointment with a doc (not out of the question---when I arrived in Colorado at the tail end of the dot-com boom, I couldn't find a dentist for a normal cleaning that didn't have a 3 month wait), those of us who already have a tendency to seek out complimentary modalities are going to be seeking them out even more often. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if more folks started seeking out those modalities.  So, hypnotists, acupuncturist, Reiki and energy workers, and pretty much all complimentary therapists: get ready!

until next time,